FAQ and Information Concerning the Merger with The Summit Church

Update 4/20/24

Yesterday, the judge who heard arguments in the lawsuit filed against our church ruled that the dissolution plan approved by the majority of active members on March 3 cannot be implemented.

As a result, our leadership team has significant decisions concerning the next steps now facing our church. We will communicate these next steps as quickly as possible. In the meantime, please pray for the Lord to provide wisdom, clarity and unity.

FBC will host an online message only, and no in-person gathering, this Sunday at 10:30 AM.

Update 4/12/24

Today was the next hearing in the lawsuit filed against our church. Both sides presented from 9:30 AM until after 5 PM. The judge adjourned the hearing to take the case under further consideration before issuing a ruling.

Faith Baptist Church will hold its regular worship service at 10:30 AM this Sunday. Any questions or concerns may be sent to info@faith-baptist.com.

Update 4/4/24

At the hearing on March 18, the judge heard two hours of presenting and then set a second hearing for Thursday, March 28. That hearing was then delayed until Thursday, April 4, and then again to Friday, April 12. We will not have any further updates on the status of the lawsuit or the action voted on by the church until after that date. We will continue to post updates as we are able on this page.

Update 3/8/24

On Sunday, March 3, 2024, the active members of Faith Baptist Church met at a special business meeting and voted 97-55 in favor of passing the motion detailing the merger of Faith Baptist Church and The Summit Church. The meeting was conducted appropriately with all active members having the opportunity to speak and cast a vote per our church bylaws.

On Friday, March 1, a lawsuit was filed asking for a temporary restraining order and a preliminary injunction to stop any further steps to carry out the plan that was approved by the church. On Monday, March 4, a Wake County judge heard arguments and deliberated for two days before scheduling a second hearing on March 18 for another judge to consider the case. In the meantime, the judge issued a temporary restraining order on taking any next steps in the legal process until after that hearing.

While the matter is pending, Faith Baptist Church will continue to hold worship services and operate Faith Baptist Preschool as normal. Any questions or concerns may be sent to info@faith-baptist.com.

Updated and New FAQ's as of 2-8-2024

We have received several questions regarding Pastor J. D. Greear’s theology and teaching as well as the theological alignment between Faith Baptist Church and The Summit Church. Below is a summary response to these questions:

The Summit Church and Faith Baptist Church share the same theological beliefs. A side by side comparison of each church’s statement of faith demonstrates that while the language used in the two documents is not exactly the same, the documents express the same biblical and theological convictions.

Confessional Statements Comparative Document

Pastor J.D. led The Summit Church to adopt its confession of faith. This statement guides the primary teaching and preaching ministries of the church, as well as the teaching and operations of all other ministries. The directional elders of the church affirm the church’s statement of faith, and they take the responsibility to shepherd the church, ensuring that anyone who teaches at the church does so based on these biblical convictions.

To give some context about Pastor J.D.’s own ministry journey, he grew up in an Independent Baptist Church– Salem Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, NC. In college, he led a large student-led Bible study and defended the Christian faith against theologically liberal teaching that renounced the authority of the Bible and undermined the core Christian doctrines. He went to a conservative seminary (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) after college to train for ministry. Before joining the staff at The Summit Church, he spent two years living on the mission field in a closed country in Southeast Asia.

He believes without reservation that God inspired every word in the Bible and that the Bible is inerrant. He has built his ministry on the centrality of prayer, evangelism, and missions because he believes that the only way someone can be saved is by placing their faith in Jesus Christ and him alone. He holds firmly to the biblical teaching that marriage is a covenant union between a man and woman, and a sexual relationship outside the marital relationship violates God’s law and is sin.

Pastor J.D. understands the social, cultural, and philosophical influences that have given rise to critical social justice, what people label as wokism. He does not embrace this ideology. He has addressed these issues in his sermons and other teachings in recent years, bringing biblical and theological critique that is consistent with our shared confessional statements. Recently, he was a main endorser for a significant book that was written to educate Christians on the background and dangers of the woke movement in our culture. That book, titled Critical Dilemma: The Rise of Critical Theories and Social Justice Ideology–Implications for the Church and Society, was co-authored by two scholars who are members of The Summit Church and works to expose the flaws of contemporary critical theories while pointing to a way forward in today’s culture.

He is committed in his teaching to bring biblical and theological correction to injustices that are present in our world that do not honor God, the dignity of all humanity, and undermine the gospel. When he does this, he does so based on the teaching of Scripture and to help the members of the Summit Church know how the Bible addresses current issues and how its members should understand and live the life God has called them to live.

When he addresses these issues, people from all perspectives criticize what he says. When what he says is based on the Bible, they are not criticizing him, they are criticizing God’s Word. When he has over the last twenty years said something that was unclear and unhelpful, and has been asked about it or critiqued for it, he has been humble to receive those questions and to clarify and correct what he said in a more helpful way.

To explore Pastor J.D.’s teaching further, visit the links below:

The Summit Church Sermons

Pastor J.D. Greear Bio and Books

Pastor J.D. Greear Podcast

Pastor J.D. Greear Articles

Faith Baptist Church has operated as an independent church and not part of a denomination. Since The Summit Church is part of the Southern Baptist Convention, how does this align with Faith’s identity as an independent church?

We understand this question, particularly because the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is oftentimes publicly identified as a denomination. The SBC is a convention of autonomous churches that desire to partner for Great Commission ministries (missions and theological education). The SBC does not operate in authority over churches in any way. Every church that cooperates with the SBC is autonomous and chooses to cooperate on a voluntary basis.

That cooperating status is an annual choice to contribute and participate rather than a permanent legal or hierarchical relationship. Churches are not considered to be “members” of an external organization, but rather “in friendly cooperation” with one another. They do that because they believe they can do more together than apart.

The Summit Church (TSC) chooses to cooperate by sending financial resources to the collective ministries of the Southern Baptist Convention. As a part of TSC’s participation, in stewardship of its resources and the collective resources of the group, members from TSC join in the decision-making process about how those funds are used at the annual meeting of the SBC.

This commitment to local church autonomy is compatible across the governing documents of Faith Baptist Church, the Summit Church, and the Southern Baptist Convention itself.

Faith Baptist Church bylaws:

This church shall be strictly independent, self-governing in all matters, and it shall not be under the direction, control, or a member of any denomination, federation, or association, but shall be under the direct leadership of the Holy Spirit through its pastor and members. The church may voluntarily fellowship and cooperate with other churches for the furtherance of the gospel.

The Summit Church bylaws:

The government of this church shall be congregational in nature, and the final authority for the operation and management of the affairs of this corporation, spiritual and temporal, shall be vested in the membership of the corporation, which authority shall be exercised in the manner set forth in the Bylaws. This church is an independent, autonomous church with full and final authority to determine solely within itself all matters related to the life of this church including but not limited to its financial affairs, affiliations, ownership and uses of property, and pastoral leadership.

Southern Baptist Convention Constitution:

While independent and sovereign in its own sphere, the Convention does not claim and will never attempt to exercise any authority over any other Baptist body, whether church, auxiliary organizations, associations, or Convention.

Baptist Faith and Message Article VI:

A New Testament church of the Lord Jesus Christ is an autonomous local congregation of baptized believers, associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel; observing the two ordinances of Christ, governed by His laws, exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in them by His Word, and seeking to extend the gospel to the ends of the earth. Each congregation operates under the Lordship of Christ through democratic processes.

Baptist Faith and Message Article XIV:

Christ’s people should, as occasion requires, organize such associations and conventions as may best secure cooperation for the great objects of the Kingdom of God. Such organizations have no authority over one another or over the churches. They are voluntary and advisory bodies designed to elicit, combine, and direct the energies of our people in the most effective manner. Members of New Testament churches should cooperate with one another in carrying forward the missionary, educational, and benevolent ministries for the extension of Christ’s Kingdom. Christian unity in the New Testament sense is spiritual harmony and voluntary cooperation for common ends by various groups of Christ’s people.

Has there been any discussion, as a gesture of goodwill, or some small token to the legacy and memory of Faith Baptist Church?

We do intend to honor the rich legacy of Faith Baptist Church, and would love to consider design elements in the building that could commemorate the faith and vision that led to the launching of FBC with the two churches that came together 35 years ago, and then continuing on that faith and vision as we come together.

If the merger should pass and, in the future, the current pastor of TSC/Knightdale should leave, will the Knightdale congregation search for, vote on and hire their new pastor or is the new pastor appointed to the church from TSC leadership? Please explain that process.

This is a process that we do use from time to time, as we often have campus pastors who are mobilized to plant a church, go overseas as a missionary, or take an executive/teaching role at The Summit Church. In short, the new campus pastor would be appointed by TSC leadership. However, the vetting process is extensive, with layers of accountability and much prayer given to the decision. The campus pastor is always an ordained elder, affirmed by the Directional Elders of TSC.

A new campus pastor is vetted and hired by the executive pastor of campuses and discipleship, who at this time is Daniel Simmons. The first step in replacing a campus pastor is for Daniel to meet with the local staff and elder teams and at times, with certain key members of the congregation who have a track record of faithful service and leadership. The purpose of both of these meetings is to listen and evaluate the needs of the campus from the perspective of those who both attend and lead the campus. After hearing and processing this feedback, the search and interview process would begin.

Towards the end of the interview process, the candidate will meet with all of the local elders to ensure he is a strong fit for the position at this particular campus. While the executive pastor of campuses and discipleship leads the process and is responsible for the final decision, deliberation is done in full conversation with the campus elders.

Most often, when replacing a campus pastor, the new campus pastor is an internal candidate who already works and serves at that location. He has a track record of faithful service, hard work, and has shown a high degree of pastoral skill. We have hired internally at several of our campuses: North Raleigh Campus (this was the former location of what is now our Capital Hills Campus), North Durham Campus, Apex Campus, Chapel Hill Campus, Downtown Durham Campus, Garner Campus, and our Alamance Campus. In every one of these cases, the campus pastor that left had intentionally developed and discipled one of his associate pastors for greater leadership.

While campus pastors go through the above process, in the event of the vacancy of the lead pastor, Summit’s bylaws require a congregational vote to call a new lead pastor. That candidate would be presented to the entire congregation by the Directional Elders and then voted on by members.

Can you be more specific about TSC’s and Pastor J.D.’s theological position and practical approach to marriage and sexuality, specifically towards same sex relationships?

Pastor Greear’s stance on marriage and sexuality is consistent with TSC’s Articles of Faith. He was also an initial signatory of The Nashville Statement, which is a statement of faith regarding human sexuality and gender roles that was drafted in 2017 in response to the rapidly changing culture around us.

In specifically addressing same-sex relationships, here’s the transcript of a sermon in which Pastor Greear directly addresses the topic. He also addressed it in an article last year that was widely read.

To what extent does Pastor Greear‘s personal ministry dominate his time beyond or in lieu of his devotion to his local church? How does he maintain devotion to his local church while maintaining what appears to be a national or international personal ministry?

It is true that Pastor J.D. has a national platform, and commitments related to that can sometimes compete for his time and attention. However, his national platform doesn’t compete with his devotion to the local church. It flows out of it. Most of his speaking engagements and books began as elements of his ministry to the Summit, either as a sermon series or a resource developed for the church. We want to steward J.D.’s influence wisely, which means allowing others to learn things from him.

J.D. views himself first and foremost as a local church pastor, and he practices life rhythms that reflect that. He does all of the things at the Summit that an average member would. He does our Bible reading plan. He is an active member of a small group. Although he can’t be at every church event (particularly across so many campuses), he prioritizes key opportunities such as prayer nights, missions nights, high school and middle school camps, and many more.

This kind of commitment does take the assistance of others to help him balance the requests that come in, to provide a level of accountability as well as logistical support. We have a team of staff and elders that review his external speaking requests and schedule to ensure that he maintains a balance between his family, the church, and outside engagements.

Pastor J.D. also personally invests significant focus on the development of leaders at the Summit–which includes pastors, ministry directors and lay elders–all of whom are invested in shepherding the flock and making disciples. His goal is that every member of the Summit is connected to a pastor/elder and receives the care they need.

How does The Summit Church help people get to know Pastor J.D. Greear more personally?

The average pastor is only able to effectively personally minister to between 65 and 75 people. Beyond this number in any church, pastors must equip other leaders to personally shepherd and build relationships with people. This is true in a church of 120, 1,200 or 12,000.

Because of the size of The Summit Church, it is not possible for every person to have a personal relationship with Pastor Greear. However, he is available throughout the year at church wide events, and he visits various campuses to meet as many people personally as possible.

Does The Summit Church minister to and equip people from all generations? If so, how does TSC specifically minister to children and to senior adults?

The Summit Church believes it’s vitally important for all generations and age ranges to be discipled and involved in the ministries of the church.

Information about TSC NextGen Ministries can be found here.

The Summit Church is extremely passionate about protecting children and equipping volunteers to care for them well. In addition to a background check for every volunteer who serves children, TSC operates under a robust child protection policy that you can review here.

All adults are encouraged to be a part of a small group. These multi-generational small groups are the primary vehicle by which we make disciples at The Summit Church. After the weekend gatherings, engaging in a small group is the most important next step for every member and guest.

While TSC doesn’t have a specific “Senior Adult Ministry,” senior adults are involved in a plethora of ministries. Everything from serving on Sundays, being in a small group, attending a men’s or women’s Bible study, etc. are ways that senior adults build relationships and discipleship communities.

Is there any update on opportunities for our pastors and staff?

We have hesitated to hold too many formal conversations before the vote, but we do see the value in understanding what will happen to FBC pastors and staff if the merger succeeds. Conversations have continued between Summit Church Knightdale and the current staff of Faith Baptist Church, and it appears that specific opportunities will be offered. Details of these opportunities will be shared at the Vision Dinner on February 22.

How many current campus locations are rented versus owned by The Summit Church?

The Summit Church currently has seven mobile campuses and six permanent campuses. One of our mobile campuses will move into its permanent facility this spring.

Will current FBC members be required to go through the full membership process in order to become a member of TSC?

We do seek to bring our two communities together in true fellowship, and the membership process is not intended to raise questions about any individual’s membership standing. We simply believe that in order to protect the sanctity of church membership, it is best for everyone to walk through the existing steps as we covenant together. We want to take the time to show you who we are. We also want to get to know you and get you connected to everything the Summit has to offer. Our hope is that this process will help you feel welcomed, as well as get a better sense for what it means to be a family member of The Summit Church.

The Summit Church membership process is laid out here.

The Summit Church member covenant is as follows:

Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, we do now, in the presence of God and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another, as one body in Christ.

As covenant members of The Summit Church, we promise to strive to live according to the following biblical imperatives:
– The development and practice of personal and family spiritual disciplines.
– Consistent participation in corporate worship.
– Maintaining a lifestyle that is consistent with Scripture.
– Ongoing accountable relationships with other believers for the purpose of discipleship and mutual growth.
– The preservation of church unity in matters of non-essential beliefs or preferences.
– Submission to the biblical leadership of the church and support of the church’s leaders in prayer.
– A willingness to pursue opportunities to serve in and through The Summit Church, especially in the use of one’s spiritual gifts.
– Active participation in and support of worldwide church planting efforts.
– Giving generously and consistently to the support of the church in a manner that reflects the generosity shown to us in the gospel.

This covenant is a promise to watch over one another in love according to all that the Bible commands; to pray for one another in all circumstances while coming to one another’s aid in sin and distress; to rejoice in our mutual salvation and gifts received from God; to love and serve one another, being slow to take offense, always ready to forgive and reconcile, following the example and teachings of Christ our Lord.

*Personal note from Pastor Jason: If the roles were reversed and we were welcoming members from The Summit Church into Faith Baptist Church, we would require the same process for the same reasons. My family and I will walk through the membership process at The Summit Church just like everyone else, and I hope you will join us there!

How do we know that TSC will not just take ownership of the property and then sell it for a profit? Is there any guarantee that this will not happen?

TSC is fully committed and excited about the plan to repair and update the current property and buildings as needed and begin utilizing them as soon as possible. There is absolutely no plan to sell the property and buildings. We are excited about two congregations coming together to steward the property and buildings to their maximum potential for the mission of Jesus to reach and disciple as many people as possible.


How did the option of a merger originate?

Last Spring, members of the FBC Leadership Team met with leaders from TSC to receive counsel on helping our church grow in health and missional vitality. At that meeting, TSC leaders informed our team that a new Summit campus would be launched in Knightdale in 2023.

In September of 2023, when the FBC Leadership Team began to recognize our forthcoming financial challenges, discussions surfaced about considering a merger. Concurrently, we received input from FBC members through a financial survey, where the responses did include recommendations to consider a partnership with another church. Because of our prior discussion with TSC leaders, and recognizing our aligned mission and vision for the church in our community, they were our first and most natural option to pursue, especially since the new Summit campus would be started in a temporary location (Knightdale High School).

Since October, we have fully evaluated the feasibility of a merger, including a thorough evaluation of doctrine, philosophy of ministry, and practical methods of ministry. We have concluded that a partnership with The Summit Church is wise from a financial and practical perspective, and also from a missional and Kingdom-focused perspective.

What are some of the unique similarities between Faith Baptist Church and The Summit Church?

Both Faith Baptist Church and The Summit Church share a commitment to biblical authority, meaningful church membership, and obedience to the Great Commission. We desire to exalt Jesus as the center of everything we do, and to pursue His mission of reaching people with the Gospel beginning in our community and extending to the whole world.

The FBC Leadership Team wholeheartedly affirms TSC’s doctrine and beliefs and their mission and values.

What are the benefits of this merge?

Simply put, we are better together than we could ever be apart. Both churches bring much to the table. Each ministry brings a commitment to the Word of God in our lives and the work of God in our communities. Both bring a heart for families and the next generation while wanting to honor those who have brought us to where we are thus far. Both have a vibrant local and foreign missions emphasis. We are motivated, gifted people who want to honor God by using our gifts and abilities to advance God’s purposes. Coming together as one church will bring a synergy to our ministry—using the best of both congregations to launch us toward our one goal of knowing Christ and making Him known.

There are several benefits for Faith Baptist Church in this merger. The greatest benefit is the leadership that has proven itself in the ministry of The Summit Church. We believe The Summit Church’s leadership, vision, implementation, systems, and structure will enhance and maximize the impact of ministry in Knightdale and around the world.

The cultural Church reality in many communities is competition, individualism, drawing lines, and splits. We have an opportunity to fulfill and demonstrate Jesus’ prayer for unity in John 17 where Jesus prays, “May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.”

Paul continuously called for unity around the Gospel in Romans, 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, Philippians, and so on. Especially in Romans where he was writing to a very diverse and seemingly spread out “house-churches” he called to work together and unify around the common denominator of the person and work of Jesus. To put aside minor differences and humbly love each other, build each other up, and walk this thing out in their communities. It’s a great opportunity to resist the fracture of church relations and practice how the Gospel can bring people together for one mission and vision.

Who will be our Lead Pastor?

The role of Lead Pastor will transition from Pastor Jason Little to Pastor J.D. Greear. The Summit Church is one church that meets in 13 different locations around the Triangle. Each campus has a Campus Pastor, with Kivett Hicks serving as the Knightdale Campus Pastor. While Pastor Greear is tasked with leading The Summit Church as a whole and serving as the primary preaching pastor, Pastor Hicks is charged with shepherding the congregation that gathers at the Knightdale Campus. He will be the Campus Pastor for any Faith Baptist Church members who decide to call The Summit Church Knightdale home.

What will Sundays at The Summit Church look like?

In all honesty, a service at TSC is not entirely different from a service at FBC, although there are a few distinctions worth noting.

The Summit Church Knightdale Campus currently has two Sunday morning services at 9 AM and 10:45 AM. They ask that all members “Attend one, serve one,” meaning that members should have the opportunity to attend a service, but it is also requested that they serve at the other service. There are a variety of opportunities to serve, including, but not limited to: guest services, kids, students, prayer (Boiler Room), etc.

Each worship service consists of a live worship team, with prayer, worship, monthly communion, periodic baptisms, etc. taking place from the Knightdale Campus. The sermon is typically broadcast from the Capital Hills Campus with preaching from Pastor J.D. Greear or other pastors/guest speakers. Periodically, the Knightdale Campus Pastor or another pastor from the teaching team will preach live at Knightdale.

What will happen to my membership?

Every current Faith Baptist Church member (as well as those attending but not yet joined) will have the opportunity to join The Summit Church, provided they adhere to TSC membership guidelines. To be a member at TSC, a person must 1) be a believer in Christ, 2) be baptized after conversion, 3) attend membership classes, 4) sign TSC Membership Covenant. TSC will provide ample opportunities for FBC members to learn about TSC, its beliefs, mission, vision, and values in the weeks and months following the merge.

It’s likely there will be some from FBC who may want to simply explore if TSC is right for them for a period of time. TSC is great with that, and wants to help in this process by giving the information people need, by providing wisdom, and through committing to prayer for the right course of action for the member. While doing this for too long is unhealthy, a season of exploring whether or not TSC is a good fit for the FBC family could be very healthy.

While we believe many current FBC members will want to pursue membership at TSC (and encourage you to do so), we also know there are some who may choose to use this time of transition to pursue membership at another church. The prayer is that every FBC member and attender finds a gospel-centered church to call home, and if you would like recommendations beyond TSC in the Knightdale community, please let the FBC leadership know so they can help in whatever way possible.

What will happen to existing Faith Baptist Church staff members and missionaries?

Summit leadership and FBC leadership are both committed to caring for current FBC staff and missionaries during this transition. As a part of this transition, a financial contribution will provide for us to care well for the staff and missionaries of Faith Baptist, based on the recommendation of the Faith Baptist leadership team.

The Summit Church has told the Faith Baptist Church staff that they are welcome to apply for any open position at Summit, and they will be given equal opportunities to work through the application and interview process for those positions. Missionaries likewise will be considered for support, and long-term support for missionaries will be determined on a case-by-case basis and is dependent on the alignment of the two parties.

What will happen to Faith Baptist Preschool?

The Summit Church recognizes that the Faith Baptist Preschool has been a huge part of the ministry of FBC for many years. There are many children and families in Knightdale and surrounding areas that have been impacted by the preschool. The vision of TSC is for many more children from Knightdale to be impacted in days ahead, and great prayer and consideration is being put into the best way to proceed.

There are on-going conversations about the best way to move forward with the preschool, knowing that the current FBC kids facilities are in need of renovation to fit the needs and NextGen ministry philosophies of TSC. The preschool will be able to finish out the school year in the current facilities, and the goal is for TSC to work with the preschool administration in finding the best plan for the long-term future of the preschool.

Who is The Summit Church?

The Summit Church is a gospel centered church dedicated to creating a movement of disciple making disciples in RDU and around the world. Summit is committed to being a sending church, mobilizing disciples and church plants all over the country and across the globe. This has been true about The Summit Church since its founding in 1961 by Pastor Sam James. He planted Grace Baptist Mission, commissioning the church to reach both the city of Durham and the nations. Shortly after, Pastor Sam moved his family to Vietnam and spent much of the next four decades serving on the mission field. Grace Baptist Mission would become Homestead Heights Baptist Church, and the church grew and flourished through the next few decades. Homestead Heights had some very difficult and tumultuous years in the late 1990’s, and attendance decreased to a core group of 300 people who made the decision to dedicate themselves to prayer, doing whatever it took to reach lost people in Durham, and reviving a heart for missions in their church.

In 2001, Homestead Heights Baptist Church called J.D. Greear to be their lead pastor, and they relaunched as The Summit Church. While many great things have happened at Summit since 2001, Pastor J.D. will tell you that all of it was started because of the prayers and the faith of these 300 people. The Summit Church has seen tremendous growth since 2001. While weekend attendance is close to 13,000, the church does not measure success by weekend attendance or seating capacity. The primary metric of success is sending capacity. TSC wants every member of the church: 1) to embrace his or her role in God’s kingdom to make disciples, 2) for the church to be a blessing to our local communities, and3) to plant churches all over North America and around the world.

TSC is a multisite church with 13 different campuses all over the RDU area. Most Sundays, J.D. Greear or another pastor from the teaching team will preach to the entire church. While the sermon is typically seen via video stream, every campus has live worship, and local pastoral and ministerial presence. Every Summit campus has a campus pastor who leads the campus both pastorally and missionally, as well as a local staff team that includes worship, kids, students, missions, women’s discipleship, and guest services. As campuses establish themselves and grow, local elders and deacons are raised up to work alongside the campus pastor to shepherd, pastor, and care for the congregation and the community.

While every campus is part of The Summit Church, each one will naturally take on some of the personality of the people that make up that campus. All Summit campuses are dedicated to the gospel and making disciples, but campuses partner with local ministries in order to meet the specific needs of their local communities. The Summit will occasionally bring the entire church together, but most prayer meetings, events, and community engagement are done in the local community and led by the people at that campus.

A few fun facts about The Summit Church:
– Summit has close to 300 members living overseas doing mission work and church planting. Most of these are in the 10/40 window.
– While there are 13 campuses, there is also a service in Mandarin and a thriving ministry to Muslims who live in RDU.
– Summit has a vision to plant 1000 churches both in North America and around the world. Currently, Summit has a total of 538 daughter and granddaughter churches.
– Summit has currently dedicated itself to sending 100 more people overseas in the next 3 years. In January 2024, the Knightdale campus commissioned their first long-term missionaries for service overseas, and others from Knightdale are in the early stages of preparing to go in the months/years ahead.

What remains the same?

Faith Baptist Church has committed to Great Commission ministry in Knightdale and around the world for 35 years, and this potential merger doesn’t change that reality. The commitment to follow the Holy Spirit in proclaiming the gospel to the world will continue on, with renewed vision and under a new name.

There will still be the family atmosphere where you see people you serve and worship with each week outside of the church in our community.. The commitment that FBC has had to the preaching of God’s Word, to the discipleship of believers, and to reaching the lost will not diminish.

What is going to change?

You will notice some changes immediately, such as a change in leadership, and for a time, a change in worship location (TSC Knightdale is currently meeting at Knightdale High School).

The Summit Church Knightdale has been very successful at attracting young families, and you’ll immediately see an increase in kids and students attending. Both congregations will come together each Sunday.

The leadership at The Summit Church is assessing the facility needs at the current Faith Baptist Church location and will soon determine a course of action in renovating those facilities. While those renovations are taking place, TSC Knightdale will continue leasing Knightdale High School for weekly worship services.

Will we still have Sunday School classes and Life Groups?

The Summit Church does not use a model of Sunday School for discipleship, and as such, the current SS classes at Faith will convert to small groups rather than meeting on Sunday mornings. TSC has regular rhythms of small groups that meet in homes, and mens and womens Bible studies that meet throughout the spring and fall.

They also offer a variety of age and need-based ministries, such as Awana for kids, The Heights for young adults, G4 groups that walk alongside people experiencing loss, depression/anxiety, divorce, substance abuse, etc. There are also periodic classes on topics such as witnessing and missions, that are designed to intentionally inform and train church members in areas that are important in their Christian walk.

Current FBC Life Groups will be rolled into TSC Small Groups, while those leaders will have the opportunity to learn the model for TSC small groups. TSC Knightdale began the year praying for four more small groups to be planted to help meet the demand of recent growth, and the FBC groups would be an answer to that prayer.

What will happen to the Faith Baptist Church property/facilities?

The Summit Church will assume ownership, management, and use of the FBC property, and will seek to maximize the property for greater kingdom impact. The FBC campus is strategically located in an area that is set to experience massive growth over the next few years, and the desire is for this campus to be used as a catalyst for ministry in the town of Knightdale and surrounding areas.

What will happen to all internal property owned by Faith Baptist Church (furniture, computers, etc.)?

Staff from FBC and TSC are formulating a detailed plan for managing the distribution of any property and equipment that will not be retained and used by TSC. Consideration will be given to other local churches, local mission partners, and even international missionaries who could benefit from the resources.

What happens to Faith Baptist Church if the vote passes?

Per FBC bylaws, a majority approval of present, eligible voting members is required for the merger to pass. If the vote passes, FBC will dissolve as a separate entity.

What is the timeline for this merge?

– Faith Baptist Church Business Meeting and Vote – date to be announced soon

What should I do now?

– Celebrate the wonderful opportunity that God has presented to our church.
– Pray for the leadership, staff, and congregation of both Faith Baptist Church and The Summit Church as we seek God’s will.
– Vote at the Active Member Meeting (date to be announced) to acknowledge what you believe to be God’s will.

The Summit Church website: www.summitchurch.com

Recommendation from Leadership

The Leadership Team of Faith Baptist Church (FBC) recommends that the members of Faith Baptist Church affirm joining with The Summit Church - Knightdale Campus (TSC) as one body and bride of Jesus. After months of financial considerations and potential resolutions, we believe this is the best decision to advance the mission and vision of our church.

The FBC Leadership Team recommends this union based on direction from the Lord, wise counsel and practical realities. As reported to our church in December, our financial situation demanded we consider three primary options: survive, sell, or seek a partnership with another local church.

Our best option to survive was to secure a tenant to lease the Student Center for a significant annual lease. The potential tenant was unable to secure appropriate financing, and therefore, this option did not come to fruition.

The Leadership Team does not believe it to be in the best interest of God’s Kingdom to sell the property and buildings to a non-Christian entity. We believe this property was set aside decades ago for Gospel ministry, and as good stewards of this foundation laid in the past, it is our desire to see that continue.

Therefore, our best option is to secure a partnership with a like-minded local church to advance the mission and the vision that we have been pursuing. We believe that uniting with The Summit Church continues to fulfill this mission with a commitment to the advance of the Gospel in our community.

While we believe this is an amazing opportunity to advance God’s Kingdom, we understand there are many questions and challenges to address with our staff and church body. We will walk very closely with you through this process. The following addresses some of the known questions concerning this recommendation:

To ask a question, email the leadership team at info@faith-baptist.com
